I admit, I love the light. When the sun shines, I have more energy. All the lights in my house are bright. I feel myself shut down as the days shorten. I can't imagine living at high latitudes with the long dark winters. My limited experience of such latitudes was in summer. So thank you for this lovely reflection on darkness and dim light. It's given me a different perspective

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I absolutely love this. I had a steady writing-by-candlelight-in-the-morning practice going that I've fallen away from that I am determined to reinvigorate. Especially after this past weekend, where I had many hours alone in a tiny cabin lit by dim, if electric, light that reminded me of my candles. This was in Yellowstone National Park, and there were two nights so clear and cold and stars and moon absolutely brilliant. I love the dark, lit by stars and tiny flames, and just never get enough of it.

(I also love the In Praise of Shadows book)

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I love that you had that practice of writing by candles--the routine of it is alluring--I am definitely going to keep it up. And I don't know why, but it's so exciting when someone knows and loves the same book--so few people seem to know about In Praise of Shadows--it's messy and eclectic and so so beautiful. I find myself constantly returning to it.

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I agree about the excitement of a shared book, especially one like In Praise of Shadows. It IS so beautiful indeed. I had an audio version of it somehow and loved it so much I bought the book just to reference back to. It's a comfort book.

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so great—love that. totally a comfort book. the best.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Freya Rohn

Fascinating read. I have read through twice so much to chew on. Tonight I will write by candle light. All my rooms have windows. I think i will copy a long poem having no historical letter. I love the research that goes into these writings. Thank you

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I love the idea of copying a long poem--just the act of the pen on the paper in the shadows of a small light...there's something magic about it. Thanks so much for reading!

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Living most of my life in tropical and temperate climate regions, I have always taken light for granted because we always had it in abundance. This meditation is beautiful and eye opening. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️🙏🏼

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Thanks so much Swarnali--I've always been fascinated by the short twilights in tropical places, how quickly the shift to night is--there's something magical in that too.

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And I always wondered about the long winter nights blanketing the northern hemisphere, life cradled in the sleeping womb of Earth, dreaming restfully of the spring which is yet to arrive. So beautiful!

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