I knew so little about Nightingale, what an incredible savant! Thank you so much for this amazing in depth work Freya.

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Thanks Swarnali--I know, isn't she fascinating? How cruel that her work was hidden behind a caricatures of what a victorian woman is supposed to be!

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This is fascinating and heartbreaking and rage-inducing and compelling all at once. Brilliant work, friend. Here's to every single "redundant woman" in the world.

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Ah thank you friend--and yes, cheers to all who have ever been made to feel 'redundant' for ever and ever!

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Interesting article about Nightengale... I didn't know much about her anyway.

But if there's so much more research to do, uncover other voices of women in earlier times, how to do that? I have letters written by my grandmother, sources like that maybe....

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I know, it's so hard when it's been erased or marginalized as "just a diary, a letter," etc. I've been collecting as many names as I come across starting from antiquity for a project I'm working on. I love how this poet, Hester Pulter was recovered--while digital is wildly accessible, which is fantastic, it scares me that work like this might only be available digitally. But still, it's great to see it happening--her work was only rediscovered in 1996 and had never been in print, only manuscript: https://pulterproject.northwestern.edu/about-hester-pulter-and-the-manuscript.html

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