Dear Freya, thanks for the opportunity to say some words around your eliciting reflections and writings.

I have never been to Alaska, I imagine the country in the "liminal" space between sky and earth, rich in open spaces and communities living places at a great distance from the next. In this sense I want to think it a magic place where natural setting becomes naturally magic, as it is: white mountains, trees, water, animals, and ..imagination! What beyond the border of Alaska? are swans hidden in a remote world to wait for Spring? no, obviously, however I like the myth of these lands and the solitude of living "FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD" typically of these wide green lands ,is it a childish idea of the country? all right, it is what geography, pictures give me..

But i 'd like to focus on a sentence which I find very close to my attitude, not only,to many artists' too..Fall is more true than aridity and blinding light of the sun brightening the hot days for months in Summer..As I live in a mediterrenean country,north Italy, probably I feel the question in a stronger way, lots of people like muggy days when going out for a walk is an activity for early morning or late evening!..I like swimming, water and sun, but normal sunny hours, with a temperture which permits me to enjoy life , not the Hell!

Think about this, in Fall Nature seems to say ..stop please, now I need to have e break, to have a rest , everything appears like real as it should be, you can perceive trees in their colourful look, the water seems to be more clear and the mountains brown green or white are mountains, people get less excited with the time of vacation, now in their expectation for the season to come and a world not filtered by the veil of too much light which makes things false, not natural - in Autumn the light-like movie of the summer thrown over us becomes sober, quiet, and the need to be with ourselves is typically autumnal and wintry , we need to live this state and reflect, to look inside our consciousness and discover something hidden which comes up to our mind as a sort of epiphany, such is the thoughtful mood in this stuning season!

I write, I need to write, to picture my feelings,memories, experiences, never invented on the paper, music! and music becomes important, it mirrors the sound of the wind though he trees and the scent of the air which feels colder, lounge jazz, jazz, autumn leaves in jazz..

MY best songs? In Autumn and Winter, Sting affirms, How could I write and think and create in the long ,hot ,so extremely clear days in summer?.I feel disoriented and distract, that is the reason why in Summer I need holidays, beaches and entertainment..

Climate has changed, the planet is going to face great natural revolutions, but Man keeps memories of the seasons as they were in the past, it's a biological memory, which will house into Human beings forever, as it is for many aspects of our species, unaware we will remember !

there a chaos, I do know..nothing is well defined, we are living a transitional period, animals , too, can't recognize the direction to the north o south?, do permit me, Should I stay or should I go?

In the park near my place, there is a "serpentine" with a Palladian Temple on the top of a little hill, and statues , beneath in the crystalline water swans and ducks and geese live.

Once a time, when I was child, our teacher used to take the class to "Querini Park", to see trees flowers, and swans, I remember she would repeat "now, they are going to migrate and will return in Spring.."I went this morn to the park for a walk, swans geese and ducks were behind a bush..still, watching and protecting their shelters, on the other side it's October, 23 degrees in the morning , 28 in the afternoon..is it normal? no, It terrifies me! and makes me feel another person, anxious and not in the right place! My Octobers were cooler, and it was stunning to change our way of thinking ,life even dresses, and breath a new mood! I didn 't see the ducks this morning..

I can understand the swans in the pond, but the ducks??? no, the were in their cache, migrated????hmm, why? it' s 28 degrees..however the question is always and metaphorically the same, -do not quote me on this - please!:

damn.."Where do the ducks go in the winter?"(Catcher in the Rye)

love Alessandra..

P.P., as to the Celts I can talk with you in the following, promise.

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I would love to see Italy--I've been to Greece and Jordan, but missed the chance to go to Italy as of late, which was always at the top of my list. And I hear what you're saying--I grew up in Portland, Oregon and it so strikingly warmer there in the summer and even now that it's a weird sense of "it shouldn't be like this" that everyone is aware of, marking the change, the smoke and the heat being the calling cards of summer now. And of winter being so mild. I wrote about this last year a bit too--that idea of the cold and of winter being our pause, what do we do if we have no pause to the craziness of heat, of sunlight, how do we find space to hold something quiet and hidden? One of my favorite books is In Praise of Shadows, by Junichirō Tanizaki--he writes beautifully about Japanese architecture and the need for shadow, the imperfect, the scattering of light. Thanks as always for reading and sharing thoughts from your part of the world.

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